Let's go fly a kite!

6:24 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Gustav is slowly making his way into our area, although we haven't seen rain yet. In fact, it's been quite a lovely day aside from the amazing gusts of wind warning of his arrival.

The boys jumped on this windy opportunity and dug out the kites in the garage. Mike seemed to have the most fun since it's allowed - he's still only nine, compared to Jimmy's "too cool" eleven.
But of course, Mike loves any opportunity to run with "Lord of the Flies"-like wild abandon ;)
Hmmm, he seemed to enjoy that more than actually getting the kite up in the air LOL

I realized that Mike needed a Aerodynamics 101 if that kite was to stay up more than down, especially since he won't usually listen to Jimmy's advice. So, I covered a little bit of Bernoulli's principle and then let him figure it out. Sometimes it's just about having a good time, right?

Oh! I just noticed the sprinkles are starting - I love it when it rains while the sun still shines!


Daly said...

looks like they had fun!