We've been busy...

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A friend warned me not to go for very long in between posts or I'd start to feel behind and put it off. So, my goal is to post a minimum of two times per week - if I manage more that will just be "gravy"! I'm doing good at this point...

These past two afternoons, we managed to squeeze in some bowling (Thursday) and swimming at the Natatorium (Friday). Both times, we carpooled with our friends, Suzan (mom), Andrew (13) and Katie (6), and had so much fun hanging out and running errands too. It had been a while since we'd all had some quality time :)

I've toted along my handy (new) little Canon Powershot (CR Top Pick, Grandpa Jim!) and have been very pleased with the convenience- and results. I even managed to find time to read the manual and play around with it last weekend. Technology is funny since my much more expensive camera, from 5 years ago, is half the mega-pixels. For my Xmas present, I plan to pick out another camera - probably the Canon Rebel - to be my serious camera when I want really great pics and am willing to tote it along. This Powershot is my purse camera - it goes everywhere so I can grab those everyday moments I realized I was missing.

Mike had his first fall soccer game this morning and it went really well. The weather was beautiful and they all looked great in their bright (clean) new uniforms. Mike got busier in the second half and was dishing it out. They still have some things to work on but Coach Sam seemed to be pretty happy with their overall performance.

Sadly, Jimmy won't be doing football because signups were in June! Who would've thunk it? Oh, well. It means one less place I have to be for the next two months. And we heard a rumor he would've had to cut his hair!!!! Gasp! So, he doesn't seem to be dissapointed.