Cheap Labor

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In the early years of children, as you pick up a shoe or toy for the millionth time, you (or at least I did LOL) often fantasize about the day when THEY will be big enough to pick up their own stuff, wash dishes, carry laundry baskets and so on.

One reason is because you just want to have someone share the workload, but the other reason is that you hope your kids will finally begin to understand all the hard work you do as Mom (or Dad). You hope they will realize why muddy shoes up the carpeted stairs can practically bring Mom to tears. Why we don't need another critter to clean, feed and try to keep alive. Why it's so helpful when we rinse the sink after brushing our teeth or they improve their aim in the bathroom.

About a month ago, I told the boys (who were helping me carry down ice chests from the attic) how much I appreciated their help and how nice it was that they could now do so much. I commented how everyday stuff was getting much easier compared to when they were little.

Jimmy (perhaps it's the "Y" chromosome?) looked over his shoulder and said, "But, it's not like you had to do very much." What?*^%@$! Pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding (for years!), diapers, sleep deprivation.....

As you can imagine, it was a long car ride to the grocery store. And now he's been introduced to the lawnmower!