New stages

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Jim and Mike just headed on down the road to attend WOW - the World of Webelos camping trip, joining over 300 other Webelos. Jimmy left last night for the same camp - the Boy Scouts troops are the mentors for this weekend and they will be setting up stations for the Webelos to rotate through and learn all types of cool things. Jimmy never attended this camp because we came into Scouts on the tail end of Webelos, so he may learn some good info too.

It's so amazing to watch the boys enter this new stage of childhood. Both of them are growing so fast (but still snuggle willingly so that's okay) and gaining new skills all the time. Their budding confidence is the coolest thing of all. I have to give Scouts some credit there - for creating activities that get them out of their comfort zones. For example, Mike's den is selling popcorn right now. If you fill your page you earn a marshmallow crossbow. Two weeks passed and Mike had not done anything. I gently pointing out deadlines a time or two but wasn't going to take the lead. Finally, he asked me if would go out with him. He was so shy and our first stop was a no but he took it very well and seemed spurred on by it. He sold at the next house. And the next. And the next. That was all it took. Out of 30 spots he's got 25 filled! But, best of all, he's been Mr. Smiles all week. He's radiating confidence because he's reaching his goal. I'm very curious to see how this positive experience will affect his personality in the long run.

So, I'm alone for the weekend! It's WOW weekend for me too! HAHA Which is actually nice timing due to Jim's overseas travel. I get some alone time in the middle of all the travel. Some absolute quiet. I can actually hear the fridge running as I sit here. Without anticipating when the boys will be running down to rummage through the cereal cabinets and slam kitchen drawers ;) A breather is nice!

I worked out a nicely paced day for myself. The gym. The garden center. Dream dinners (premake your meals at their kitchen and take home to freeze!). Maybe the mall. Then this evening I'm heading out to support five of our dance students at their first stage performance! Our babies are growing up LOL It'll be so neat to see women that WE taught get up there!!! Two years ago I would've laughed if you told me I'd be a dance teacher AND do a good enough job to get five beginners on stage. Too cool!

The rest of my time I think I'll clean and organize things so the next two busy weeks are hectic but not stressful. Sounds a bit sad to clean but I'll just crank up the stereo and make it I dont' feel guilty eating that slice of delicousness I bought for myself at The Cake Stand bakery :D And no one is going to ask for a bite of it...