Good News-s-s-s-s

8:52 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Relief! Stan (Jimmy's snake) has been returned to his home. Well, a temporary home until we can repair the screen lid that the cats busted through at some point. They aren't unusually strong or smart but one of them just got lucky after jumping down onto the tank from a bookcase.

The weird thing was that I dreamt about a snake (that looked like Stan) throughout the previous night. After waking, I even made the mental note to be extra aware of snakes in the next few days and told Jimmy and Mike about the dream at breakfast.

A bit later, when I returned from the grocery store, Jimmy greeted me at the door looking very sad.

"Mom...Mom...ummm...I don't know how to tell you snake....the lid is busted (my left eyebrow goes way up at this point)....and...Stan is missing."

I was so fascinated over the dream snake connection that I didn't even freak out LOL

We searched most of Jimmy's room and found nothing but figured we'd wait for Jim so he could move the heavy stuff. When he returned from work that evening he noticed Purrsephone (cat) sitting attentively in Mike's bedroom closet, staring at the shirts. Bingo! Sure enough, Stan was safely hidden behind the fire escape ladder on the closet floor.
