Who will end up in the lake?

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The boys headed out on another paddleboat excursion but eventually became a bit tired with paddling and took a rest.  But anytime there is a moment of quiet, one starts thinking of how to annoy the other one.

I noticed them begin a game of trying to push each other into the lake and started snapping pictures.  Part of me hope that I'd get some really good pictures of one going overboard.  The other part of me knew that the wet kid would be very upset and potentially drag the other one in the lake.  Then Jim or I would probably have to make our way there in the canoe to set things straight, especially if they couldn't manage to get back in the paddleboat.

Luckily the mounting aggression stopped when they noticed a spider on the Mike's floorboard.  Spiders are not popular with Jimmy and Mike.  That forced them into becoming a team again, to rid them of the evil spider.