Exploring Downtown

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Hot Springs National Park is a source of thermal waters that work their way up through the earth, providing 4000 year old drinkable H20.

This water is intended for public use so throughout the downtown area there are stations where people can bring jugs and fill them up.  We used this location to clean up Mike after he wiped out while running along the top of  a wall.  Nothing like hot, clean water at the ready!

This is the beginning stretch of Bathhouse Row.  People came from all over the US to enjoy the health benefits of the healing hot spring waters.  On our last day in Hot Springs, we attended one and enjoyed being pampered.

The water coming up out of these decorative fountains was too hot to hold your hand in for more than a moment.

But it seems roaches really like the hot springs effect.  We saw numerous, large roaches when we walked the downtown area the first night after dinner.  That was a bit disturbing...

Not sure why the Quapaw Bathhouse (tours only) has a big gold grenade outside.  The architecture is Mexican missionary style so perhaps someone was making a tribute to soldiers?  Not a very relaxing and healthy image to have in front...in my opinion, anyway.