A bit "cheesy" but I've always wanted to check one out

10:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

In hot water...

4:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

After relaxing and having fun at the cabin, we headed into town and started exploring.  We found there was a whole network of paths, paved walkways, etc behind the main strip.  We found a small natural spring at the top of a hill that was too hot to touch.  Then we started hiking around the hillside and eventually found a waterfall that ended in a very pretty pool on ground level.  Thanks to the very pleasant temps in the 70's you can see the steam coming up from spring.

Exploring Downtown

12:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hot Springs National Park is a source of thermal waters that work their way up through the earth, providing 4000 year old drinkable H20.

This water is intended for public use so throughout the downtown area there are stations where people can bring jugs and fill them up.  We used this location to clean up Mike after he wiped out while running along the top of  a wall.  Nothing like hot, clean water at the ready!

This is the beginning stretch of Bathhouse Row.  People came from all over the US to enjoy the health benefits of the healing hot spring waters.  On our last day in Hot Springs, we attended one and enjoyed being pampered.

The water coming up out of these decorative fountains was too hot to hold your hand in for more than a moment.

But it seems roaches really like the hot springs effect.  We saw numerous, large roaches when we walked the downtown area the first night after dinner.  That was a bit disturbing...

Not sure why the Quapaw Bathhouse (tours only) has a big gold grenade outside.  The architecture is Mexican missionary style so perhaps someone was making a tribute to soldiers?  Not a very relaxing and healthy image to have in front...in my opinion, anyway.

Post Traumatic Gar Syndrome

10:43 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Notice how concerned Dad seems to be as his terrified son swims into his arms?

Jimmy is a little miffed that no one else seemed to be very worried about his near-death experience. 

You'll be happy to hear that Jimmy's a pretty good sport and has giggled about it a few times since that afternoon.  At least it wasn't Jaws.

The Infamous Gar Story

10:30 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hey, what are those weird bubbles coming up from under the water, Dad?

Oh, that's probably one of those huge Gars we talked about....

What????? OMG!!!!!!!!!  I'm trapped here standing right next to it.  Will it eat me?  What should I do?

I'm going to walk VERY slowly over to Dad because the prehistoric monster is between me and the edge of the lake. 

Quick, Dad!  Save me!!

Taking the plunge

8:10 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Who will end up in the lake?

7:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

The boys headed out on another paddleboat excursion but eventually became a bit tired with paddling and took a rest.  But anytime there is a moment of quiet, one starts thinking of how to annoy the other one.

I noticed them begin a game of trying to push each other into the lake and started snapping pictures.  Part of me hope that I'd get some really good pictures of one going overboard.  The other part of me knew that the wet kid would be very upset and potentially drag the other one in the lake.  Then Jim or I would probably have to make our way there in the canoe to set things straight, especially if they couldn't manage to get back in the paddleboat.

Luckily the mounting aggression stopped when they noticed a spider on the Mike's floorboard.  Spiders are not popular with Jimmy and Mike.  That forced them into becoming a team again, to rid them of the evil spider.

Fun in the sun Pt 1

5:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Breaking things in

5:16 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
We haven't used the canoe in several years.  In fact, I was surprised that Jim wanted to bring it. It's not light and we were driving for several hours.  Things worked out just fine, though.  Jimmy has gotten big enough that he was actually quite a help on my end and we bought a simple kit with foam blocks for mounting it on the roof racks.  The straps worked great and the canoe didn't budge an inch the entire ride out and back.

Libby did a bit of swimming herself.  She was so excited to see Indy having lots of fun that she joined in, at first.  After a few times in and out she decided that it wasn't  that nice begin all wet. That was too much like getting a bath...

Settlling into our vacation cabin

3:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

The cabin is on Lake Catherine so they provide a paddle boat that the boys immediately headed out on.  Notice who is safety conscious and who is not...

Indy was particularly excited to be along for the fun.  He rarely gets in our swimming pool but there must be something about open water that appeals to his lab sense.  We had to make him take a break because he wouldn't give up playing ball.  Poor guy started having a hard time getting out of the lake and over the small retaining wall.  But it was nice to see him so happy.  Actually we felt badly that we don't have the type of life that seems to fit him best - he really is bred to be a farm or hunting dog.  We'll have to take him to ponds more often to make up for it!


Hot Springs

12:56 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Here's one of the first photos I took after we arrived at our lake cabin on Sunday evening.  It was so peaceful!

Game day info

12:53 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Well, I have no idea why but Blogger wouldn't let me put any text on the football post.  At first it let me but it was blue with an underline.  There isn't an underline feature, so no idea where that was from.  I posted and thought I could edit - Nope.  So, here's the commentary for the previous images :)

Jimmy was named Captain of the Week by his coaches.  They told the team that he was the most improved player and he was one of the best listeners.  Unfortunately, he didn't get to play much during that  Saturday's game because he was knocked back onto this tailbone.  That is the pic where he is bent over.  He spent much of the game in that position on the sideline. 

Jim even got in the mix a bit by having to fill in for the marker guys!

A sunny, dry game!

12:47 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

New wheels for Jimmy

12:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jimmy had outgrown his other bike last year and we'd been to busy to get around to investing in a new one.

But our outdoor themed vacation required it.  He was very excited to get this flashy red "Specialized" off road, complete with a lighter aluminum frame and front shocks.

He also got some cool grip gloves to protect his palms in the case of wipe outs.

We've been on vacation!

6:49 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
The family headed to Hot Springs, AR for some fun and relaxation.  I'll being posting photos this weekend!