Winter 2010

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We won't forget this year's winter after having a pipe bust in the attic!  After several days of below freezing temperatures this poorly insulated pipe gave way.

Luckily, it happened while we were still home.  Another bonus - the boys were playing outside with friends.  They ran in to say there was water pouring through the garage ceiling. 

It was quite dramatic until we got the water turned off at the street (with the neighbor's help). 

I called a plumber right away, only to find out that this same scenario was playing out all over the area!  So, no luck getting a plumber :( 

The neighbor drove by and called her brother. He came out the next morning and determined the builder used less than ideal wrapping on the pipe - but that it wasn't normally a big deal since winter in Texas wasn't normally that cold for that long. 

In the end, we got the water vacuumed up from the attic within the first hour or two and that prevent any water damage.  Plumber fixed the pipe the next morning for under $300.  Only major issue was my dead garage door opener.  Water had poured through the ceiling openings and shorted it out.  It was about time for a new one anyway ;)