Wilheminia State Park, AK with Boy Scouts

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View from top of mountain

Our tentsite

 This mini tourist train ran right alongside our campsites.  We'd joke that all the boys were like a zoo safari whenever it made it's round during the day full of camera wielding folks.

 Lover's Leap Overlook
 Mike being silly
 The weather was 100% gorgeous the whole weekend so it great for lawnchair naps.

Knot tying workshop (surprisingly hard to do with a cast)

Bridge building

 The boy on the far right is one of Mike's favorite buddies.  They've known each other for about 4 years, are on the same soccer team, and always make sure they are tent mates to guarantee a fun camping trip.
 Jimmy did much of the cooking on this trip since he was the oldest one in his Patrol this trip. The oldest Scouts left base camp for an overnight hiking trip.  It was a great opportunity for Jimmy to assume some responsibility and he really proved himself
We drove five Scouts in our Yukon (to & from AK) and this was how the trip home looked in our car.   It was VERY quiet :)