Mike's Snowcone Stand

10:11 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike's first customers

A lull in the rush

The crushed ice ran out so they resorted to just sucking on the leftover lemons and limes LOL  
(I'll bet your mouth just "gleeked")

Mike had a lot of fun doing his stand and plans to do it at future summer park days (with our homeschool group) since he made some decent money.

Art Portfolio

9:57 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mike's masterpieces from art class

Jimmy's masterpieces from this spring

Both boys created several great ceramic pieces as well but I haven't taken photos of those things at this time.

New Orleans

6:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

The French Quarter

 Our hotel, a visit to Lafayette Cemetery (inlcuding damaged crypts with bones!) and we never could figure out why this church statue had a plate of eyeballs LOL

Iron Maiden kicks off tour in Dallas

10:21 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Earlier this year, Mike told us that if he could pick a rock concert it would be Bon Jovi or Iron Maiden.  Well, after so much fun at Bon Jovi we jumped on tickets for Iron Maiden and surprised the boys once again.  This will be a memorable year for them!

 Eddie - Iron Maiden mascot

Sorry, concerts are loud by default.  I brought ear plugs but they didn't want to wear them.

Another concert tee to add to the collection!  

Wilheminia State Park, AK with Boy Scouts

9:17 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
View from top of mountain

Our tentsite

 This mini tourist train ran right alongside our campsites.  We'd joke that all the boys were like a zoo safari whenever it made it's round during the day full of camera wielding folks.

 Lover's Leap Overlook
 Mike being silly
 The weather was 100% gorgeous the whole weekend so it great for lawnchair naps.

Knot tying workshop (surprisingly hard to do with a cast)

Bridge building

 The boy on the far right is one of Mike's favorite buddies.  They've known each other for about 4 years, are on the same soccer team, and always make sure they are tent mates to guarantee a fun camping trip.
 Jimmy did much of the cooking on this trip since he was the oldest one in his Patrol this trip. The oldest Scouts left base camp for an overnight hiking trip.  It was a great opportunity for Jimmy to assume some responsibility and he really proved himself
We drove five Scouts in our Yukon (to & from AK) and this was how the trip home looked in our car.   It was VERY quiet :)

Scarborough Faire

10:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Jimmy and Mike love the Ren Faire that is hosted nearby each spring.  It's just over an hour drive but the Faire is a permanent structure so very well set up.  We missed last year so the boys begged to go after the birthday party kids cleared out.

The large event's highlight is the daily joust - the King and Queen preside over the show so it's very popular.
The actors really get into their roles - here one of the Nobleman is dealing with two ornery Knights.

I think the show is over now!
Jimmy used some of his money to purchase this as the first piece of gear in his Ren Faire clothing collection.  He wants pirate boots next :)

Mike couldn't take one more minute of fun after having such a long night at the sleepover.

Jimmy's 13th Bday!!

9:45 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Jimmy decided he wanted a park party with sword fighting and running amok.  We went up to the partk behind Bennett elementary school and took over the park pavilion and playground for a few hours.  The weather was really nice but quite windy.  Actually, more than quite windy - it was downright annoying.  Texas has such extremes and this area rarely has a nice little breeze. I guess they do everything big in Texas?

Pick your weapon of choice!
This is a longtime family friend E.  Oddly he and Mike look like they could be brothers!  In fact, when he arrived and came over the hill Jim said "oh, there's Mike" LOL  He really thought it was Mike (whom I'd just been looking for).  I was confused because I had just spotted Mike in the complete opposite direction.   I had to snap this pic and send it to E's mom for her amusement (she was away on a birthday spa getaway).
Did I mention it was windy?  It took FOREVER to get the grill lit for the burgers and dogs.
I made two cakes since it was a larger group AND we were having quite a few sleepover later.  One chocolate and one yellow.  Jimmy's cake was special though.  He picked out a chocolate cream pie.  This is what happened to the pie thanks to the wind.
He didn't even get to try a piece!!  We were all completely shocked when it flew off the table.  I guess the holey table surface was too well ventilated. 
To add insult to injury, someone rootbeer blew off the table a minute or two later and joined the birthday boy pie.  I started laughing hysterically after that happened. 

David saves the day!!  At the end of the party, we packed up and were headed back over to the house.  David made up for the Pie incident by offering Jimmy a front seat ride in his brand new Camaro.  As you can see, Jimmy was very pleased.  Happy Ending to the party!
The morning after was a bit messy but everyone seemed to have a lot of fun and Jimmy has a lot of great memories for his big 1-3.