That's more like it...

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A nice refreshing dip in the pool instead of running around chasing a ball. The weather is gorgeous today thanks to a front that rolled in middle of the night. Actually, it wasn't that great since I had to get out of bed at 3am to take down the patio umbrella that was about to fly off. But, this morning we were blessed with California-style weather.

Jimmy had a riding lesson at 9am and the weather was perfect - very different from last week's hot, sticky, and dusty. I pulled out my camp chair and parked under a tree while the instructor took him on a trail ride.

He's doing so well that she wants to move him up to a more energetic horse, an Arabian named Peyton. I really like how she is ready to challenge him and keep it interesting.

After the lesson, we had our good friends over for some relaxin' around the pool. Suzan and I got to chat for a while, which was half our reason for having an impromptu playdate.

Today was a nice reprieve from the busy-ness that seems to be our lives at the moment.