Salsa anyone?

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Last Saturday evening Jim and I joined several friends for a birthday celebration. The birthday girl wanted to go Salsa dancings so we were looking forward to the fun. A new restaurant in Frisco, Tijuana Grill, was advertising it so she made reservations. However, when we arrived we learned that they had cancelled it because there hadn't been enough interest (WE just found out about the place so maybe they should promote it better!).

We did stay for dinner and the $5 margarita pitchers but all of us headed down the road into Addision to Gloria's and hit their dance floor. Boy, it was like dancing outdoors in Cancun. Haven't they heard of A/C? I'm sure someone in our group has some VERY sweaty photos of us since I saw flashes periodically from our group - thank goodness for waterproof mascara. LOL

Gloria's had a live band so that made it quite authentic. I wonder if being deaf for the next 24hrs is being authentic too? :D I don't think my ears were right until Monday morning!