Pecan Grove Cemetary

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As I've mentioned before, I'm fascinated by cemetaries. Old ones, to be more specific. I'm not a fan of the sterile, flat slab versions that are...easy to mow, I guess?

The old ones, like houses, have great character. The epitaphs give you insights in the time they lived. Health care, disease, nutrition,hardship...all come to mind.

I took several photos the day we dropped by Pecan Grove. The boys and I had been meaning to stop for years and finally one day we had time to waste and happened to be in the vicinity. We wandered around the quiet, hot, sunny slopes observing names, ages, family ties, and of course rating our interest based on different monuments.

The lady above was beautiful in my opinion. I still wonder if this is a true representation of her. She was a mother based on her marker. Her dress and hair seem very Civil War era. The boys were impressed with how lifelike stone could be fashioned by an artist. I was too and kept waiting for her head to turn or her to speak, like something out of Harry Potter movies.

There are more monument photos to come - many have interesting names and some are downright amusing...