Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

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Texas has its share of weird weather and this was the most recent, two weeks ago. This monster rolled in soooo fast - I debated coming back inside a few times because the winds were so odd and intense. It seemed like a tornado could drop out of the sky at any moment.

Meanwhile, Jim and Mike were at soccer practice. Jim ended up grabbing two other kids on the team because the moms weren't back before it all hit. Luckily, everyone was reunited and Jim made it back in time before there was a chance of hail damaging his brand new car.

Unfortunately, some close friends of ours had their home hit by the lightening and suffered extensive home damage. Luckily, they were at Medieval Times for their youngest son's birthday dinner. They found out about the growing fire from a neighbor, on her iPhone via Facebook! Talk about modern technology. Being in quick touch allowed the neighbors to save the pets and some family photos. They are now trying to finish up sifting through the mess, tallying losses, and adjusting to a rental home for the next 6-9 months. We are so grateful that everyone was safe and things will be okay ;)

As for Dallas, TX...No rain in sight now. Just HOT and more HOT. Welcome to our summer!