New TV corner

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The old armoire just didn't work well. A built-in would cost $900 minimum. But I hated how everyone had to sit on the one couch to see the TV, since the TV had to face straight forward in the nook. So, after five years of nagging, Jim relented and listened to my idea. He even admitted it was too bad it had taken this long to get around to it.

Now the TV angles into the living room so that all the seating can enjoy the view! We plunked a sheet of cut maple onto the old base (drilled it on), I stained the visible surfaces and trim pieces. Made a curtain that matches my "coffee table" (an earlier project) thanks to leftover decor fabric, which hangs on a curtain rod hidden underneath the front trim piece. We removed the old base doors so you just pull back the curtain and access the stereo, cd, movies and Wii/Xbox games. Even the Wii fit board is tucked in there! Viola! Recycled and cheap, but perfect :)