Anticipation mixed with dread

9:38 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
I've managed to create a blog - something I never really thought about before. Well, I did think about it but I never thought I get around to it and decided to not to nag myself over it.

Then, after admiring a few friends (who have managed to find the time), I decided that I was capable enough to muddle through the technology. After all, I'm on the computer constantly and have little adult conversation. This is just a more creative way to talk to myself, right LOL

I picked Mongoose Mayhem as my blog title because Mongoose is my dh's nickname for me, based on the old Kipling story, and Mayhem because it always seem to be around me as a homeschooling mom of boys HEHE

For the curious, here's the Kipling book link:

Wish me luck on this blogging adventure...


Daly said...

yay! you did it! I will add this to the list of blogs I visit daily. Have fun and keep blogging.

greenpalm said...

Congratulations on your new blog! What fun! I'll be a regular reader for sure.