Happy Halloween 2010

10:14 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Breast cancer fundraiser show "Burlesque for Breasts"

9:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
 Opening the breast cancer fundraising event down in Deep Ellum, Dallas
 For our last song all five of us went out in the crowd and danced 
After we opened the show we changed and joined the hubbies at their table. It was a very fun evening for all - until the tequila took out a few of the our happy crew.  I was smart and stuck with vodka...

Second show at State Fair

9:10 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
 Veil Dance with Sam
 Camping it up with the cane and Maggie
 More fan dancing - this pose seems to be the photographers' favorite
Our finale pose

Performing at the State Fair of Texas

8:56 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Once again, Jimmy reaches his next belt level in karate...

8:48 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Texas weather

8:46 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
 Several rainbows, even double ones !
Mike having fun swimming in the rain - he jumped in the pool 
and about 3 minutes later a major downpour  arrived overhead.

Mike in action

8:13 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Manchester Blue Soccer Team Fall 2010

1:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Yearbook pictures

1:44 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Some photos I took one early evening for our homeschool group's yearbook. The lighting was weird because the sun set faster than expected.  Mike's hair was quite fuzzy because he played soccer beforehand :)

Mike's Snowcone Stand

10:11 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike's first customers

A lull in the rush

The crushed ice ran out so they resorted to just sucking on the leftover lemons and limes LOL  
(I'll bet your mouth just "gleeked")

Mike had a lot of fun doing his stand and plans to do it at future summer park days (with our homeschool group) since he made some decent money.

Art Portfolio

9:57 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mike's masterpieces from art class

Jimmy's masterpieces from this spring

Both boys created several great ceramic pieces as well but I haven't taken photos of those things at this time.

New Orleans

6:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

The French Quarter

 Our hotel, a visit to Lafayette Cemetery (inlcuding damaged crypts with bones!) and we never could figure out why this church statue had a plate of eyeballs LOL

Iron Maiden kicks off tour in Dallas

10:21 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Earlier this year, Mike told us that if he could pick a rock concert it would be Bon Jovi or Iron Maiden.  Well, after so much fun at Bon Jovi we jumped on tickets for Iron Maiden and surprised the boys once again.  This will be a memorable year for them!

 Eddie - Iron Maiden mascot

Sorry, concerts are loud by default.  I brought ear plugs but they didn't want to wear them.

Another concert tee to add to the collection!  

Wilheminia State Park, AK with Boy Scouts

9:17 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
View from top of mountain

Our tentsite

 This mini tourist train ran right alongside our campsites.  We'd joke that all the boys were like a zoo safari whenever it made it's round during the day full of camera wielding folks.

 Lover's Leap Overlook
 Mike being silly
 The weather was 100% gorgeous the whole weekend so it great for lawnchair naps.

Knot tying workshop (surprisingly hard to do with a cast)

Bridge building

 The boy on the far right is one of Mike's favorite buddies.  They've known each other for about 4 years, are on the same soccer team, and always make sure they are tent mates to guarantee a fun camping trip.
 Jimmy did much of the cooking on this trip since he was the oldest one in his Patrol this trip. The oldest Scouts left base camp for an overnight hiking trip.  It was a great opportunity for Jimmy to assume some responsibility and he really proved himself
We drove five Scouts in our Yukon (to & from AK) and this was how the trip home looked in our car.   It was VERY quiet :)