Old Red Museum

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Our homeschool group went to downtown Dallas for a trip to visit the restored Courthouse. It was a gorgeous building, with beautiful stonework outside and an amazing refurbished interior. Like stepping back into time!

The museum has a courtroom were school groups can participate in a mock trial. Jimmy raised his had to be judge but wasn't picked so he didn't want to be any other role! LOL All or nothing. Mike didn't want to say a word in front of anyone so he happily joined the silent jury (where Jimmy ended up too). The trial had to do with an Indian artifact being discovered on a woman's property. The kids had to decide who should get it - the lady or the original tribe that the Indian had belonged to originally. The landowner won in the end.

Jim was able to join us on this field trip because he'd been in London all week and had Friday off. So, we were able to turn it into a fun family day!