Electric Wolves

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This past week the guys in Jimmy's patrol met several times. One day was video fun and lunch. Another day was picking up trash and then hitting the water effects at Finch Park. Next trip, we headed out on a 5mi hike through Erwin Park. This was to help Jimmy finish up his requirements for Second Class Scout. They also learned about using a compass on trail, with the help of Will's older brother, Peter. All of them rotated in line to have a turn at leading and using the compass. It was hot but breezy, so actually quite enjoyable.
Their last day was spent creating a new information board for the entire Troop. I guess the other one was breaking and was quite cumbersome. They all agreed on the design and then got to work, with some power tool help from us moms. They met over here at our garage. Six hours later, they finished the board but decided to meet another time to stain it. Thank goodness. We were all worn out by that point :)