More bday pics

6:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

BIG TEN!!!!!!!!

5:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Lots of fun!! We held Mike's 10th birthday at the neighborhood park and the weather worked out perfectly.

Mike had about 14 buddies out for the fun. They played soccer, basketball, ran crazy all over the playground and fields, and stuffed themselves.

We grilled hot dogs and offered chili and fritos as toppings. Lots of fruit too. Juice and water for beverages.

Only thing we didn't have were candles :) I put them in my purse at the last minute but then didn't grab my purse! But it wouldn't matter because the lighter stopped working, plus the breeze was so strong it would've blown the candles out before Mike had time to make a wish LOL

A good laugh a day...

5:10 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

My friend Suzan and her daughter. I don't recall what Katie had asked her but it must have been funny :)

Munching lunch with friends

4:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

On the left is Andrew and Katie. Mike hid when he realized I had a camera out. Andrew is one of the boys favorite friends. Even though he is a few years older than the boys, Andrew is a friend to all.

Shimmy like you mean it!

4:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Sam and I had a booth table at a recent health & fitness expo. This was a picture of our display table.

Officially a Webelo

4:43 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike recently earned his latest main badge as a Cub Scout, Webelo ranking. The Cub Scout pack hosts an event called Blue & Gold and they hand out many awards. In fact, there were 300 awards - I'm the one who buys them all.

Next fall, he'll start as a Webelo II. They really be preparing them for the world of Boy Scouts. Scary...

A Zen Moment

4:32 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

This day was the first real spring-like day we had gotten. Seemed like only days before we were wearing winter clothes!

To celebrate the arrival of warmer weather, the boys and I headed to Zin Zen, a little bistro here in Stonebridge. I love this place because it feels like I went on a mini jaunt to Europe. The whole complex is mirrored after a real Adriatic community and everything is built in old-world style stone, etc. Zin Zen is posh inside, with big couches and chairs, wine tasting, tasty food ($$) and cool music. Their soups are yummy and they also have a chocolate volcano cake for dessert. My fave part is the outdoor patio dining. Fortunately, many places in McKinney have added outdoor dining as they have refurbished older places around the Square. I LOVE to eat outdoors and take any chance I can get until it is too hot for even me.