6:38 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jimmy - King of the Daubers

6:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

He's built a little castle for his subjects LOL

My honey and I

6:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »


6:35 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Family reunion

Jim and Lisa

6:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike is always so hungry!

6:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »


6:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Sand "Daubers"

6:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jimmy was very entertained with digging up the funny little critters. I recall many a summer vacation doing the very same thing as a kid ;)

California dreaming'

6:30 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

We arrived in Venice Beach - whoohoo! A bit of a rough start but we are here and ready to relax!

We really do have a lot in common!

6:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Sam and I showed up dressed identical at a show. Didn't even know we both owned the same dress ;) We entertained folks for the entire evening and got a lot of double takes at dinner.

Sisters of Arani

6:24 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Performing at Diffusion

Opening Act!

6:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike YB pic

6:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Yearbook pics

6:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »