A drizzly, cool relief

9:01 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

It's been so hot lately that this cool rainy morning is wonderful!

This morning's catch

8:42 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

From the garden :)

My mothers day gift

8:38 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The most popular teapot by Alessi (Italy) designed in 1985. No more yucky microwaved tea!

Making new costume

8:35 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Trying to arm wrestle Darby

8:34 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Give it up, Jimmy!

Birthday goodies from friends

8:34 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

How old are you?

8:33 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

First place in sparring!

11:16 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Guess who just turned 15yrs?

10:47 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

James Richard - our little guy is now a big, hairy teenager. {Sniffles}

Yep, I'm crazy.

10:45 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

It's another dance costume. I figure two years has been enough time to recover from the last one. Right? Right?

Flower beds

10:44 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Ryan helped me plan this out when he came for a visit. Seems like it was just yesterday and everything has filled in so nicely.

Silly dog-cat

10:42 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jordon loves a belly rub! She is even willing to exchange it for a tongue bath ;)