Mammoth Hot Springs

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Elk poop

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Mike used his foot for scale comparison ;)

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Elk and buffalo hung around right at the north entrance.

Bet you've never seen

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Goats in a recliner Lol. Even funnier was how several would fight over it. They were falling out of it left and right or almost tipping it over backwards (like Dad does at home).

Harley goat

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This goat was Mike's favorite. It was super playful and would butt you if you didn't pet him.

Boys who love goats

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We HAD to stop at this roadside store/art gallery after seeing a herd of 20 goat wandering around behind it's gate.

Why? Mike adores goats. In fact, he and Jimmy had talked about goats all afternoon. Even priced them on my phone during a meal stop. Two days earlier, Mike bought a furry, stuffed toy goat at the alpaca farm.

These goats were super cute and had so much fun. Mike wanted us to leave him there. The gentleman told us we were welcome to take as many as we could fit in the car with us - haha.

Snowy Montana

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The boys and lead stallion

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Overlooking Pothole Reservoir

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Wild Horse monument

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Of course we had to the scale the hill...

Wild Horse monument

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Birthday cake

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No actual pics of Jimmy at this
moment because I decided to record video so Jim could see it when we return home. I think Merima took some...hopefully.

End of our foreign country trip

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Mike got a souvenir jade bear and Jimmy picked a ring. Of course, Packrat Mike nagged Merima for her leftover coins.


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Here is proof that I didn't lose Mike in BC. He just never stayed put long enough to be in the photos!

Outside Parliment

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Black Cow birthday float

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Watch out, Jimmy!!!!

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I tried to get him to do the Home Alone surprised look but he wouldn't because other people were around.

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Dead ants...dead ants...dead ants, dead ants, dead ants, dead ants...dead aaannnttttssss

(get it? hint: Pink Panther theme)

Damsels... in distress HaHa

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The BC museum of history

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John Lennon's "Yellow Submarine"

The big 14

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We found the birthday boy his favorite meal for his birthday lunch. Dinner will be my homemade enchiladas and chocolate buttercream cake.

Seafood is health food :)

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We've been looking for giant balls of yarn or some other travel oddity...

Battle of Bull Run

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WW II diorama

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Spring flowers in Canada

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Miniature World

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Birthday boy!!

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Ferry to Victoria, BC

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Goodbye US. See you in a few hours.

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Jimmy took some great pics with Bianca, the brown alpaca in between them. She was the only alpaca who wasn't afraid. She let them hug her and would just hang out to get rubbed down. She walked in between the boys everywhere we went, like a dog.

Alpaca farm fun

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We needed something to do and had seen a flyer for this place. It turned out to be quite fun for the boys. Nothing like furry animals and the outdoors to make a boy happy ;)

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Mock sub control deck

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Or whatever they call it...

Naval Undersea musuem

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There is a family who lives at the top

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They use this same elevator daily (it has a 24 hr elevator operator) but then they go up two more levels in foot to arrive home.

See thru elevator doors

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Seattle view

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See the Needle thru the buildings? We didn't go up because it was 5mi away and we were in foot. The Smith Tower was only $5, had a great view, and we rode up on original Otis elevators with see thru doors.

Mt Rainier view atop the Smith Tower

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Drinking problem?

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In old Seattle, you needed to be careful during construction on the revamped waterfront. Lots of folks met their end falling from the edge of new streets before the sidewalks were raised up to meet them. One story high is a long way down.

Underground Seattle tour

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While in Seattle, we took a tour that explores the darker parts of Seattle.

In the beginning, Seattle had a major flooding and plumbing problem. After a big fire, they decided to address this problem by raising the whole waterfront. But businesses didn't want to wait several years so they rebuilt their buildings while the city slowly raised the roads. The sidewalks were the last thing raised. This plan created an odd maze of underground entrances and alleys that eventually became know for their prostitutes and opium dens (along with tuberculosis and other disease).

Great tour if you are in the Seattle area! I'd go back and take the evening adult version.

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Pike's Market

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