Kickin' back and relaxin'

1:18 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

Thanks for the cigs, Aunt Lisa.

1:03 PM Edit This 0 Comments »


7:38 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hopefully you enjoyed these Xmas photo highlights.

We've really had a great time this holiday - I'm even thinking that intentionally saving the tree decorating for Christmas Eve might need to be a new tradition! It really put us in the mood for Christmas Day - making cookies, decorating, and wrapping it all up once the boys were in bed. It's funny how Libby's accident put life into perspective. We were just so grateful that she wasn't permanently disabled that we were confident that we'd get things done eventually.

This may be our last Xmas that the boys are Believers. I can't imagine Jimmy will make it through another year without some of the older guys blowing it. Of course, I can hope that he'd be willing to play along for Mike but you know brothers....I'm just sticking with the fact that Santa doesn't drop down your chimney if you don't believe in him :)

and more...

6:43 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Christmas continued

6:13 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Christmas Fun

3:32 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Here's numerous photos of Christmas Eve & Day. The boys have Santa's goodies ready to go; a photo of them ready for bed, all tucked into sleeping bags in Mike's room; the goodies under the tree after Santa arrived; the boys opening up the coveted Xbox 360. More to follow in the next post (since I maxed out the photos in this one).