Mike's new desk

5:47 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Mike's supply of LEGOs needed a more substantial surface - so Jim and I built him this desk out of birch sheet and PVC. He's very pleased to have a nice big area that won't get cleaned off by Mom (unlike the floor). He said it was like getting a Christmas present early ;)


5:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

The cold front has arrived in North Texas. It went from being a beautiful, mild day to chilly. I took this cool pic from my upstair bathroom window.

In an hour, I'll be dropping off Jimmy to go camping with Scouts. Mike will follow along tomorrow morning. The Boy Scouts are doing a badge camp for the Webelos and then they'll all celebrate with a family Thanksgiving Feast. Mike will be camping with them overnight on Saturday. The low is supposed to be 32degrees!

No, Jim and I are NOT camping with them this time :)

Invasion of the Lady Bugs!

11:04 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

I love ladybugs. I even have a little pewter one I keep in my wallet for good luck. Jimmy had commented yesterday that there was a ladybug in his room - he wasn't worried and neither was I.

But this was more than I expected to ever encounter! We were packing for his camping trip when he noticed another ladybug fly by and then said "LOOK, Mom!".

We collected about twenty in a jar and have left the other few, out of reach, ones where they are.

Jimmy feels very lucky now ;)