10:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

A perfect October evening for Trick or Treating! The kids were out in droves so we went through all ten bags of candy I bought yesterday.

Jimmy, Mike and their buddy Kevin headed out into the night together and returned 2 hours later, sweaty and arms aching.

Now, Jim and I are headed out to see my friend Suzan in a midnight theater performance of the Rocky Horror Picture Show!

You know you have boys when...

4:19 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

See if you can figure it out :) This is the magazine holder in the downstairs "powder room" :D

My Favorite Holiday

2:41 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Halloween. It brings back memories of a childhood in Virginia where it got chilly in Autumn, leaves changed to glorious colors and you had to wade through them on the sidewalks as you made your way to school. In the evenings, the breeze was often aromatically laced with the woody smell of a nearby fireplaces.

It's not quite that way here in Texas - it's still usually quite warm in October, the trees change color a bit but the leaves don't really drop until later in the season, and everyone nearby has gas fireplaces. But, I don't let that dampen my spirits!

Now that the boys are older, I no longer have to decorate "G" and can embrace the spooky and scary :D Last year I made some tombstone forms with leftover plywood but we never got around to doing much with them. So, last week we pulled out the paintbrushes and finally decorated them. They really made the front yard much more Halloween-ish.

The boys have decided what they will be - Jimmy is a vampire and Mike has chosen a ghoul. Due to time constraints, I went ahead and let them order the costumes. Nowadays, you can order them for nearly the same it would cost you digging around the house/Goodwill for pieces or buying fabric. Not to mention the time spent. This time it was worth my sanity to buy.

Mike plans to lay in our Halloween display and scare small children...


2:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Today was Jimmy's first flag football game for the Fall session. New team. But Jimmy must have impressed the coach in practice because he started him as quarterback. They scored a touchdown on the first play.
They didn't win the game in the end but Jimmy played hard and got lots of positive feedback.